Last year Jo competed in her first Strongman competition and won Maryland’s Strongest Woman in her Lightweight class. On 11/17/18 Jo entered her second competition. Last year’s events/weights were extremely challenging, but this year was even more of a challenge. Jo had to do a farmers carry (145 pounds in each hand for 100ft for time), circus dumbbell clean and press (max weight attempts), stone over bar for max reps (140 pound stone of steel), yoke carry 50 ft for time (350 pounds), axle deadlift for max reps in 60 seconds (305 pounds) and a 50 ft truck pull for time.

Unfortunately no one else competed in Jo’s weight class (she was the lightest one there) so they made her compete against ladies in the next weight class up. Jo was at least 20-30 pounds lighter than the other ladies. Jo had personal records in every event and even though she had to compete against a tougher weight class she still got on the podium!

By God’s grace her hard work payed off along with the help from her coaches and friends at Neversate.

I am tremendously proud of Jo not just for how well she did, or for competing in a weight class up, but for all the hard work that led up to this event. It was months of grueling workouts, fitting in hours of training throughout the day, working in cold weather, pushing the sled in grass, using makeshift equipment at home and then squeezing in even more practice at Neversate. The results on this day came because of the effort over many days. Great job honey! I am continuously proud of you!

Special thanks to Brian, Alena, Nick, Miles, Dave and Emily Lee, Sioux-Z, Lynn, Mona, Nikki, Ben, Jeff, Holly, and the crew from Neversate.

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